How to Maximize Android Phones Battery Life

Nowadays our smart phones are providing a lot of functions.  but they don’t prove endless battery power. Many people face problem with their phone’s battery .There are some battery saving tips to make your battery life longer.

  • Android has a lot of communicative functions which should be turned off when you are not using them. These include Bluetooth, WIFI, GPS, NFC and much more. Keeping it off can save a lot of battery energy.
  • Turn off auto-syncing for Google accounts. If you don’t need every single Google account updated every fifteen minutes, just go into your Settings and Google account and turn off auto-sync for those apps you don’t need constantly updated.
  • If you are concerned about your phone’s battery life, don’t allow all the apps to update automatically. Manually update the app when its convenient for you.
  • Use power saving mode, if you have it. This control CPU usage and screen power and can squeeze extra battery hour upto12.
  • Stop the apps that are running in the background. Check all the running apps from setting – APPS, SWIPE TO THE LEFT; and stop the apps that are unnecessary.
  • Turn down the brightness and set your phone’s brightness to automatic mode.
  • Remove all the widgets that are on home screen and even not useful. As well live wallpapers and themes etc also consume a lot of battery.
  • Turn off the notifications of Facebook, twitter, Email etc if you do not need to be constantly updated.
  • Always use original battery. Other battery can damage in your phone.
  • If you get lots of notifications on your phone use lock screen notification. Because you can see all your notifications on lock screen at a glance without having to turn your whole screen on.
  • Turn off smart features like air gestures, smart scrolling and the like, especially if you have a Samsung. Unless you really use these features every day, they’re just using battery power for a feature you don’t use.




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